Sober Living in Greenwich, CT

Drug detox in Greenwich is just the first step on the path to addiction recovery. It is very important, but it's not the only part of the process. Addiction is one of the most complicated conditions known to humankind. Group meetings and a period of halfway house living with other recovering addicts can do much to help a person learn to embrace life sans drinking or drugging. For many people, sober living in Greenwich, CT is the solution.

What Is Sober Living?

In the simplest of terms, sober living is when a group of people shares a home with one or more recovery coaches. Sometimes referred to as a "halfway house," sober living treatment centers offer a supportive home-like environment where people endeavor together to resist temptations while strengthening their resolve and recovery.

The transition from a drug rehab in Greenwich back in day to day life can be difficult, especially in the earliest weeks of recovery. A sober living recovery house offers a solid start for those who want to live soberly and happily without the anchor of addiction around their neck.

Many a sober living community offers in-house 12-step meetings based on the principals of Alcoholics Anonymous. Others offer SMART Recovery self-help programs that guide sober living housemates along the road back to ‘civilian' life. SMART Recovery programs provide tools and philosophies to help former addicts manage their thoughts and behaviors, cope with the urge to use, and lead a balanced life. The principles of SMART and AA 12-step programs help millions of people deal with all sorts of addictions, including opiate addiction, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, prescription drug abuse, and alcohol abuse.

How Long Would I Have to Stay in a Sober Living House?

Some people stay in a halfway house for a few weeks. Some stay for months and still others choose to live for many years in sober living treatment centers. The amount of time spent in residence at a halfway house or in a sober living community varies from individual to individual, depending on the how long they've used, what they used, and the intensity of their addiction. Many people who check into sober living treatment centers do so because their normal home life is not a supportive place to stop using drugs or drinking.

Life in a Sober Living Community

A sober living recovery halfway house is a place of camaraderie, brotherhood, and support. Housemates share chores, eat meals together, and help to strengthen each other's morale and resolve. Many lifelong friendships begin within the walls of a halfway house. Isolation is not an option when one lives surrounded by other recovering addicts in a structured recovery-focused environment. If you stay in a sober house, you will always have an understanding friend to talk to. Alcohol rehab centers in Greenwich can help you overcome your addiction.

Some people rightly conflate the sober living community to live in a college dorm with a few more rules regarding curfew and things that are and are not allowed to be brought in the home. House rules ensure a clean living environment where drinking and drugging are strictly prohibited. This sort of structured household offers a supportive atmosphere where people work together and build positive friendships away from the influence of liquor and mind altering substances.

Are There Rules in a Sober Living House?

Yes, there are rules by which to abide while dwelling in a sober living halfway house. Of course, no illicit drugs are allowed, and nobody may have liquor on the premises, either. Each sober living house has a curfew, as well. Aside from psychiatric and addiction medications prescribed by a physician, no drugs are allowed in a sober living house. Although sober living in Greenwich can be quite delightful, it's crucial to remember that the focus of the group home is the cessation of drug and alcohol abuse.

A stint in a halfway house helps many people beef up their dedication to staying clean. It may take weeks, it may take months, but however long it takes, recovery and a healthier life make the time spent well worth the effort.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with alcoholism or drug abuse, please contact a confidential drug and alcohol rehab facility without delay. Sober living in Greenwich, CT is only a phone call away. Contact Greenwich Alcohol Treatment Centers today (877) 804-1531.

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